“InterAction developed several tools and resources to establish a sustainable policy framework and staff capacity to prevent and respond to SEA at all levels of an organization.”
This resource includes a Facilitator Guide, a Participant Manual, Powerpoint presentations and handouts.
“ This three-day workshop is a hands-on, highly interactive capacity-building opportunity to develop skills in responding to and investigating allegations of SEA within their own organizations.
The workshop incorporates roleplay and case studies to illustrate the principles and methods for investigating SEA allegations.
The Investigations Workshop will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform internal investigations in response to SEA allegations against NGO staff.
Participants will learn how to:
1. Write an investigation plan that adheres to a set of core principles and includes both accountability and responsibilities for carrying out the investigation and follow up plan.
2. Ensure that investigations are conducted according to previously agreed protocols and procedures and are in line with global good practices.
3. Assess, review, and advise on matters pertaining to the needs of the victims, witnesses, and subjects of investigations.
4. Write a comprehensive investigation report. Participants The participants at this workshop should be staff of member organizations whose job duties include being key actors in their organizations’ internal investigative procedures to respond to reports of SEA.”