“These guidelines provide information on meeting the requirements of Plan International’s Safeguarding Business Standard 2 Safe Programming and Influencing Work. […] The guidelines are structured as follows:
- Section 1: An Overall Approach to Safeguarding in Programmes and Influencing Work provides an introduction to the impact of social norms on communities and expectations for women, men, girls, boys and young people in all their diversity, as well as how violence can reinforce those social norms. This section describes broadly how an organisation’s programme and influencing work can exacerbate harmful social norms and introduce or worsen patterns of violence in communities.
- Section 2: Safe Programmes and Influencing work in practice introduces a Safety Cycle which identifies the key actions to take and points to consider at each stage of Plan International’s programme or influencing intervention cycle, linking to Plan International’s Theory of Change and relevant tools
- Section 3: Funding Safe Programming and Influencing Work identifies key considerations when fundraising for influencing initiatives and programmes and highlights issues to consider in developing and managing donor relationships
- Annexes: These include a safeguarding risk assessment checklist and guidance on mainstreaming safeguarding in thematic areas. ”