“This Code of Conduct has been elaborated by AQOCI with the goal of facilitating work on sexual violence and meeting Global Affairs Canada’s requirements regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) for medium and small ICOs. It was designed taking into consideration the level of resources available in small and medium ICOs, integrating best practices, aligning with CCIC leaders’ pledge and IASC core principles and meeting Global Affairs’ Canada requirements. This Code of Conduct is part of a series of resources (i.e brifefing papers. webinars) developed by l’AQOCI to strengthen ICOs capacities on sexual violence and PSEA.”
“Global Affairs Canada’s requirements are based on sub-section 22.6 of the Contribution agreement, entiltled Sexual Misconduct:
22.6.2 The CoC shall be integrated across the Organization’s operations and shall, at a minimum, include the following provision
a) Accountability processes integrated throughout the Organization, including roles and responsibilities to ensure monitoring of, and compliance with, the code of conduct;
b) A mechanism for anonymous and confidential reporting and, fair and confidential investigative procedures to respond to all allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse;
c) Training on prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and remedial measures when misconduct is found;
d) Measures including disciplinary action in cases of serious conduct.
22.6.3 The Organization shall provide a written copy of its CoC to all Personnel, Local Partners and Ultimate Recipients, and shall promote protection from sexual exploitation and abuse. The Organization shall ensure that Local Partners and Ultimate Recipients shall either:
a) sign an attestation stating they shall respect the Organization’s CoC, or
b) adopt their own policies and procedures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse that shall be in keeping with the goals and objectives of the Organization’s code of conduct.’’
“This Code of Conduct does not pretend to cover the entirety of an organization’s Duty of Care regarding sexual harassment or sexual violence and should be used in conjunction with other organizational policies and procedures. AQOCI’S recommends that each organization adapt this template to their specific context, and especially to the legal framework that applies in their jurisdiction (provincial or federal). The final version should be reviewed by a legal expert.“