This facilitation guide is for PSEA focal points who are responsible for training their organization’s staff, volunteers, and partners. There are three elements to this training package.
- The facilitation guide with advice on how to prepare the training, facilitation tips, resources and sample agendas
- Handouts with trainer notes, timing for exercises and printable sheets for participants;
- A slide deck for a standard 1.5 day training, plus two extra slide decks for a two-day (Day 1, Day 2) training on case study scenarios and bystander intervention.
The exercise handouts were developed by Juliette Sanchez-Lambert, trainer, with inputs from Digna’s Training Working Group. It builts on resources and concepts from InterAction and The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).
You can use these resources to deliver training on PSEAH. Please, adapt them to your context and needs.
While the materials are free for use, we kindly request that you attribute the source by mentioning “Digna” whenever you reference or share this information with others as the materials remain Digna’s intellectual property.
How to quote?
Copyright: Digna, The Canadian Centre of Expertise on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). Train the Trainers course on PSEA materials.